Monday, December 6, 2010

The story and the song: 'One Last Christmas'

This song is inspired by the true story of Dax Locke, who was was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia at 13 months old. The doctors told his parents that Dax would most likely not make
it to see Christmas. Dax did lose his battle with Leukemia, but not before he got to see one last Christmas. Today, this little boy's legacy lives on, and his parents are making sure it does. This Christmas, it is on my heart to join forces with the Locke
family, and help them in their cause. I would like to encourage you to join us in raising money that will go to an amazing cause in St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. To donate now to St. Jude's in memory of Dax please visit: To
read more of Dax's story visit:, we can reach this goal -- and fund St. Jude's for an entire day in Dax Locke's memory! -Matthew West

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