Saturday, January 22, 2011

Are we moving towards the end of the age?

There is so much going on in the world that we do not understand. Dead birds fall from the sky in their thousands; dead fish are washed ashore by the million; 10,000 antelope are found dead in Kazakhstan; tens of thousands of crabs are washed ashore in the United Kingdom; bees are dying  in unprecedented numbers; natural disasters such as the flooding in Queensland, Australia and the mud-slide in Brazil claim hundreds of lives; and all of this has happened in the opening few weeks of 2011. I believe that all of these things point towards the fact that we are living in the end age. I believe that we have most definitely entered the 'beginning of sorrows' era. Oh, if only the world would sit up, look and listen!
This is a time in which those who will speak out for the Lord without fear must make their voices heard. For too long the Church has allowed herself to be manipulated for the enemy by men whose agenda is their own worldly progress and wealth, and heresies abound. It is so difficult in many towns and cities to find preachers whom are faithful to the Word, for so many seem to just want to tickle the ears of their listeners, making them feel comfortable with trite platitudes rather than warning them of the result of spiritual complacency. perhaps it might be argued too that many congregations get what they deserve in this sense, for so many of them have no real place for God in their lives.
There is a real need for those who dare to call themselves Christians to humble themselves before God and cry out for forgiveness for their tardiness in serving the Christ to whom the claim to belong. If Christ is not all in their lives then He is not in their lives at all. There can be no partial measures.

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