Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm thinking about holidays ...

      Yesterday the sun was so bright that it hurt the eyes when driving towards it, and today promises more of the same. Mind you, I'm certainly not complaining about it, for the more sunshine we have during these wintry days the quicker Spring will arrive. That's my theory anyway, right or wrong!
      I really do not enjoy the long dark days of winter. How folk manage in lands where the sun rarely rises during the long winter months, I can never fathom. Perhaps it's just that what you have been brought up to expect makes you more accepting of it. I find the darkness of winter has a somewhat depressing affect on me, and I need a good dose of sunlight to banish the wintry blues altogether.
      One other way to banish them is to take a trawl through your favourite holiday snaps, looking at pictures of times and places where you were relaxed and contented in the warm summer sunshine. The photograph above is typical of what I mean. There I am on the harbour wall at Mousehole in Cornwall, in holiday attire and relaxed. I note from the photo that even my stomach is relaxed and sagging a bit, so perhaps more walking and less relaxing might have been better!
      Today I shall have a look at a few more photographs of favourite places and think about where to go on holiday this year. Often we go to Wales where the rain is warmer in the summertime, although last year we also went abroad and baked in the sunshine by the lakeside which was close to where we stayed in Andalucia in Southern Spain. Early in the year I spent a week in Tallahassee as well, and enjoyed some great weather whilst I was there. In fact, all in all, it was a great year for travel for this particular Blogger!
      So today I shall consider new places as well as looking back on old favourites. That's one of the good things about holidays. You get pleasure from the planning, from the looking forward, and from being on them, and then more pleasure from looking back on them as well.
      The picture below is another shot of Mousehole, surely one of my favourite places in Cornwall, and high up on the list of my all-time favourite places as well.

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