Monday, January 31, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Bide With Us'

Bide With Us    CM D
TUNE: Gerald
Though all around may turmoil be,
And darkness covers all,
We pray that You will bide with us,
To save us if we fall.
Then we will lift our souls to You,
Our praise in worship soar;
Lord bide in us and us in You,
And stay for evermore.
Help us to last the stormy night,
And through the longest day;
O Saviour, please, abide in us,
And keep us in Your way.
For though the dark encompass us,
With hardest toil and strife,
Where You, dear Lord, abide with us,
There’s everlasting life.
Then when our day has ended here,
And all our work is done,
Please call us home to be with You,
Our final battle won.
So Father God, most gracious Lord,
Your gentle face we’ll see;
Then we will know You’ll bide with us,
Throughout eternity.
 © 2009 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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