Monday, January 17, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'There is a Story'

There is a Story   87 87
TUNE: Wellesley
There’s a story told to children,
That speaks of Jesus above;
That tells how they gathered round Him,
To hear of the Saviour’s love.
It tells how He came from heaven,
To live for a while on earth;
Of the star, and hay-filled manger
That was chosen for His birth.
Shepherds listened to the angel,
Listened to what he did say;
Saw the bright star in the heaven,
Travelled to where Jesus lay.
They praised Him there in that stable,
God’s perfect child, born of love,
They praised Him and knelt to His glory,
Worshipping God up above.
All little children hear and wonder,
At the words which they are told;
They in turn discover the Saviour,
Just as in the days of old.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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