Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'You Alone'

You Alone    8787
TUNE: Sussex
Just to serve You every moment,
This is all I dare to ask;
You alone, most gracious Saviour,
I’ll praise You through every task.
 For You are my blessed Redeemer,
You alone I’ll ever praise;
Only You alone are worthy,
Now this song for You I raise.
 Halleluiah! Sing to Jesus,
His the glory, His the worth;
Halleluiah! Praise the Saviour,
He alone will rule the earth.
 I will serve You, I will praise You,
For my life belongs to You;
In my living I will worship.
Praising God in all I do.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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