Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Poem for Today : 'Shades of Spring'

Shades of Spring
I climbed the winding hillside path,
Then rested for a while
Noticing the furrowed fields
Stretched far beyond the stile.
The scarecrow stands., from summer last
In tattered coat and. hat
Robins nesting in his breast
The world to wonder at.
Catkins bursting into flower
Tinted yellow and green;
Hedgerows bustling, spring acclaim,
Where winter once had been.
A field of sheep, far to the left,
That wander all the day,
Crying tales of, "Please beware,"
To new-born lambs at play.
Clouds go scurrying through the sky,
'Cross the watery sun,
Calling out to passers-by
That spring has just begun.
© 1966 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh
From ‘Shades of Spring’ : Published by Gazebo Books, 1967

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