Monday, January 3, 2011

Poem for Today: 'A Winter Scene'

A Winter Scene

Crisp and cold, stars shining bright,
like a thousand glow-worms in the sky.
well wrapped people hurry onward,
oblivious to each other passing by.

Each with just one single thought,
the cheer of pine-logs warm and bright,
casting shadows on the festooned walls,
forgetting soon the cold dark night.

Snowflakes falling by the score,
counting hundreds, seeing millions,
settling silently in newfound beds,
ever watchful to the minions.

Ice lies thick upon the pond,
transforming every pool into a slab
as though of marble made;
glistening rooftops, never drab.

Coloured lights swing and sparkle,
hanging down from every pole.
Listen to the carol, singers,
lusty voices from the soul.

This is time for our rejoicing,
for saying thanks for being here.
But just remember to whom we owe
the winter scene and Christmas cheer

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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