Monday, February 14, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

 "Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad."
Proverbs 12:25 (King James Version)
      Today is Valentine's Day.  While it is a happy day for some people, for those who have lost their spouses it is a sad day.  It is a day to express our love to our loved ones.  Think what would happen if we were to tell our loved ones every day how special they are to us and how much we love them.
      We give gifts and flowers to our loved ones today to show them how much we love them.  Our Heavenly Father gives us gifts and a flower every day of the year to show us how much He loves us.  Jesus is the flower that God gives us.  "I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys" (SONG OF SOLOMON 2:1).
      Not only is Jesus the rose of Sharon, He is our beautiful rose.  My favourite color is red because it is the blood of Jesus that saved me and assured me of a home in Heaven with Him for all eternity.  O how I long for the day when I shall see my precious Saviour face to face.
      Pastor David Ingles wrote a beautiful hymn that tells us how we can be happy even in the midst of sorrow "Garment of Praise".  I love these words.  "Put on the garment of praise For the spirit of heaviness Lift up your voice to God".  Do you have on the garment of praise?
      If we will praise God for all He has done for us and tell Him how much we love Him, our sorrow will turn into happiness.  Also, it is very important that we are an encouragement to one another during times of sorrow and heartaches.  Reach out to those who are hurting and reassure them that Jesus loves them.
Joanne Lowe

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