Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Glorify His Grace'

Glorify His Grace   7777
TUNE: Coming To The Cross
 Christ has saved me by His grace,
Because of the Father’s love;
We can serve Him here below,
Till we meet with Him above.
One day we will meet in heav’n,
And see Jesus face to face;
We will worship Christ our Lord,
And we’ll praise Him for His grace.
 We will give to Him our lives,
As we live them here on earth;
Redeemed by His gracious gift,
Bequeathed through the Saviour’s birth.
Now we long to stand with Him,
With our gaze upon His face;
Worship, magnify and praise,
And then glorify His grace.
 © 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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