Monday, February 21, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Glory, Glory'

Glory, Glory    7677 + Refrain
TUNE: Over Yonder 
We worship God our Father,
We worship Christ the Son;
We praise the Holy Spirit,
We praise the Three-in-One.
Glory, glory,
To God the Three-in-One;
Praise Him always,
Praise Jesus Christ, the Son.
We will worship for evermore,
In the new Jerusalem,
Upon heaven’s shore.
We praise our Living Saviour,
Give glory to His name;
Give thanks for God’s deliv’rance,
Redeeming us from sin’s shame.
Glory, glory,
To God the Three-in-One;
Praise Him always,
Praise Jesus Christ, the Son.
We will worship for evermore,
In the new Jerusalem,
Upon heaven’s shore.
We join as one to praise Him,
True praise and worship bring;
Thank Him for our salvation,
Our Lord and glorious King.
Glory, glory,
To God the Three-in-One;
Praise Him always,
Praise Jesus Christ, the Son.
We will worship for evermore,
In the new Jerusalem,
Upon heaven’s shore.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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