Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Streams of Grace'

Streams of Grace  66 66 888 
TUNE: Rhosymedre (Lovely)
We will join up and fight,
And bear the arms of God;
Let’s travel on Christ’s path,
Walking where He has trod.
Pure streams of grace and mercy flow,
So all the earth God’s truth may know,
So all the earth God’s truth may know.
Let’s stand firm in the faith,
And forward go in prayer;
We’ll fight sin every day,
Knowing that Christ is there.
Pure streams of grace and mercy flow,
So all the earth God’s truth may know,
So all the earth God’s truth may know.
Let’s put the armour on,
And wear the shield of faith;
Salvation’s helmet strong,
His sword will keep us safe.
Pure streams of grace and mercy flow,
So all the earth God’s truth may know,
So all the earth God’s truth may know.
We’ll fight on every day,
With our banner unfurled;
Till every battle’s won,
We’ll fight on in this world.
Pure streams of grace and mercy flow,
So all the earth God’s truth may know,
So all the earth God’s truth may know.
 © 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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