Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Poem for Today : 'The Land of Netherbedoe'

The Land of Netherbedoe

There’s a land across the ocean
found where the rainbow ends;
you go by sea in a red striped hat,
along with all of your friends.
You sail for fifty miles north-east,
then twenty-four north-west;
you eat a sailor’s breakfast twice,
then just lay down to rest.
You sleep for forty dreams away,
you wake when the seagulls cry;
then out of the boat you step at last,
looking up at the purple sky.
The trees are red and gold,
the grass has a silver glow,
fireflies dance before an orange moon,
in the Land of Netherbedoe.
Don’t run too fast in the setting sun,
don’t ask where you can go,
just be satisfied with a few short dreams
in the Land of Netherbedoe.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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