Thursday, March 17, 2011

I loved the mountains when we were in Provo, Utah!

 No matter where we were, we could see the Wasatch Mountains, their snow-capped peaks reassuringly familiar after just a few days.
 Every mountain in the range has its own identity and name.
This is Mount Nebo, the highest peak in the Wasatch range of mountains.
 Here's another picture from the ski resort of Sundance, owned by Robert Redford.
 The photographs above and below were taken in the store at Sundance.

Lots of snow and ice-cold water, but we didn't feel the chill with the sun shining down on us at Sundance.
 This was the view of the mountains from the drive of our host's home the morning after it had snowed. we were surprised by how fast the snow disappeared. It almost seemed that if you blinked it was gone. In Provo the fall was about 4+ inches, but in Salt Lake City, just an hour away, it was estimated at 12 inches. It was still gone after a couple of days though!
View of the mountains from the Lotus Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah.
The photograph above is from the website of the Lotus Temple, and shows the building off on a bright, sunny day.
 Above and below is how the Krishna Temple looked on the day we visited Spanish Fork, which is just a few miles from Provo where we were staying.

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