Friday, March 11, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

 "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10 (King James Version)
      The first day of spring will be here in twenty days.  It's that time again, time to do our spring house cleaning.  It's time to clean the closets and clean the house from top to bottom.  The days are getting warmer and we can open our windows and let the fresh air in and get rid of all the stale odours from winter.
      Instead of doing spring cleaning in our heart, we need to allow God to take His broom and sweep the bitterness, resentment, criticism, sarcasm, judgment and unforgiveness from our heart every day.  If we allow these things to stay in our heart, we open the door for satan to take over our lives.
      These rotten attitudes stink in the nostrils of Jesus.  Instead of smelling sweet to Him, we smell rotten.  One of the things that really hurts Him is when we refuse to forgive those who hurt us.  What a sad commentary it is on those of us who claim to be Christians when we don't forgive the ones who have hurt us.
      If Jesus could forgive us for hurting Him while He was hanging on that cross of horror and excruciating pain and paying the debt for our sins, how dare you and I not forgive those who hurt us.  May God have mercy on us.  It is time that we lose our "holier than thou" attitudes and forgive as Jesus forgives us.
      Have you allowed God to sweep the things that hurt Him from your heart?  If Jesus were to come back for us even as you read this, would your heart be in right standing with God?  You may be saved, but you need to be sure there is nothing in your heart that displeases God and hinders your service to Jesus.
 Joanne Lowe

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