Thursday, March 31, 2011

Muslim Students Association Pledge: “Jihad is my spirit”

The first organization the international Muslim Brotherhood founded in America was the Muslim Students Association (MSA), in order to recruit young people into its fold. 

This radical organization has chapters on hundreds of college campuses. As Erick Stakelbeck recently reported in his “Stakelbeck on Terror” program, the MSA has been “a virtual terror factory.”

Stakelbeck is a sought after authority on terrorism and 
national security issues and is one of our featured 
 speakers at this year’s National Conference and 
Legislative Briefing. He has extensive experience in 
television, radio and print media. His new book, 
The Terrorist Next Door: How the Government is 
Deceiving You About the Islamist Threat, will released 
in early May.
At our conference Erick will expose how the 
government refuses to acknowledge the ideology 
driving radical Islam and continues to embrace 
Islamist organizations and leaders. To find out 
 more about the conference, or to register, 
please click here.

And in this short video, you can view for yourself the MSA’s commitment to jihad as Muslim youth are led in a group pledge that includes “jihad is my spirit.”

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