Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'All Within Me'

All Within Me    7575
TUNE: Bruce
Let all that is within me,
Praise the Living Lord;
Let all that is within me,
Share His holy Word.
Let me always live for Him,
Serve Him all my days;
Let me have His gentle touch,
And His caring ways.
Let me think the way He thinks,
His compassion show;
May I be a shining light,
From me praises flow.
Every good thing that we have
Comes from God above;
And Christ’s pure and saving grace
Demonstrates His love.
So let all that’s within me,
Give to Him all praise;
Let my soul, my heart and voice,
Worship Him always.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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