Monday, March 28, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Christ Alone'

Christ Alone  76 76
TUNE: St Alphege
O Christ alone is worthy,
The choirs of heaven sing;
Loud praises of the angels,
To glorify the King.
Ten thousand times ten thousand,
Angelic choirs above,
Whose praise rings  out in heaven,
The story of His love.
For Christ alone is worthy,
He’s seated on the throne;
With ev’ry voice proclaiming
For Christ and Christ alone.
Now all of heaven lauds Him,
Their praise and worship bring;
For Christ alone is worthy,
And Christ alone is King!
Jesus alone is worthy,
The sacrificial Lamb:
By Him the seals are broken,
For He’s the great I AM!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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