Friday, March 25, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Eternal Lord'

Eternal Lord   CM
TUNE: Abergele
You are the everlasting Lord,
O Christ, whom God did send;
You are the source of life and pow’r,
Whose kingdom will not end.
You never change, You are the same,
Through heav’ns eternal days;
All majesty and rule are Yours,
All glory and all praise.
You came to earth to pay the price
For folly and for sin;
When man repents and claims Your name
Then heav’n will let him in.
Almighty, everlasting Lord,
Through heav’ns eternal days;
We will proclaim Your holy name,
With glory and with praise.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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