Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Feel the Spirit Stirring'

Feel the Spirit Stirring    6565
TUNE: Eudoxia
Feel the Spirit stirring,
Deep within your soul;
Drawing you to Jesus
He will make you whole.
Raise your arms to heaven,
Praising God above;
Give to Him the glory,
Give to Him your love.
Seek from Him forgiveness
For your sinful frame;
Reach out to the Saviour,
Call upon His name.
He will draw you to Him,
He will make you whole;
Feel the Spirit stirring,
Deep within your soul.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

The past few days I have posted hymns that I wrote whilst I was in Utah, and here is another one today. I hope that you like it and will use it in your worship of our Lord Jesus.

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