Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Heaven's Dawn Breaks'

Heaven’s Dawn Breaks  87 87
TUNE: Brocklesby
Hear the sound of angel’s singing,
Filling up the skies with song;
Now from earth the saints are winging,
Joining with the heav’nly throng.
For the dawn of heav’n is breaking,
Jesus, Saviour, now has come;
He’s returned to earth in glory,
Sound the trumpet, beat the drum!
In a moment, in a twinkling,
He will harvest all that’s sown;
See the brightest dawn a’breaking,
Jesus calls out to His own.
Praising, praising, Christ the Saviour,
He is King and Lord of all;
Join the throng of angels singing,
Heav’n’s dawn breaks now heed the call.
© 2011 :  Colin Gordon-Farleigh 

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