Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Let Go and Let God'

Let Go and Let God
Let go and let God!
Serve Him all your days -
Give Him all the glory ,
Give Him all the praise!
If it seems that life is a struggle -
That your journey is made on your own,
Hand yourself over to Jesus,
He'll not let you make it alone.
He's with you each step of your travels,
He walks with you when life seems tough,
Sharing your joys and your laughter,
Carrying you when roads are rough.
Easy to think that nobody cares,
That your struggles are made on your own;
Jesus will always be with you,
There's no need to journey alone.
He'll carry you when you are weary,
He will lift you whenever you're blue,
Hand your life over to Jesus,
And He'll always carry you through.
So, let go and let God!
Serve Him all your days -
Give Him all the glory ,
Give Him all the praise!
Yes, let go and let God!
Serve Him all your days -
Give Him all the glory,
Give Him all the praise!
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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