Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Majestic lord'

Majestic Lord
TUNE: Finlandia
Majestic Lord, who grants us life eternal,
We lift our souls in everlasting praise;
Your ever-present pow’r and love paternal,
Will keep us safe throughout the day of days.
We give our lives to be with You for ever,
In life, in death, Almighty Lord, we praise.
Thrice holy God, our hymns sing of Your glory,
All of our lives we’ll live out in Your name;
Your majesty, your power and dominion,
That rescues us and grants us life to claim.
We give our lives to be with You for ever,
In life, in death, Almighty Lord, we praise.
You sent our Lord that we might gain redemption,
Bought through His sacrificial blood and death;
From sin’s high price there can be no exemption,
Save through the Cross and His life-giving breath.
We give our lives to be with You for ever,
In life, in death, Almighty Lord, we praise.
© 2011 :  Colin Gordon-Farleigh 

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