Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Our Steadfast Lord'

Our Steadfast Lord   7676 D
TUNE: Alstyne
My eyes look to the mountains,
My heart sings to the Lord;
I look and see the splendour,
And feed upon His Word.
In all things He is steadfast,
In all things He is true;
His Word goes on for ever,
And lives in me and You.
Sing praises every morning,
And live for Him each day;
Walk safe with Jesus always,
And tread the narrow way.
He never will forsake you,
Nor leave you lost, alone,
Firm in His palm He'll hold you,
Until He calls you home. 
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

This hymn is one of the first hymns that I wrote whilst in Utah recently.

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