Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Off to Utah tomorrow!

For the past few weeks I have been looking forward to my trip to Utah to speak to a group of students at Brigham Young University who are working on translating some of my hymns into Welsh as their project for this semester.

Finally the time has arrived for the trip, and we fly off tomorrow for a week-long stay in Provo, with lots of people to meet and places to go. I have the tremendous privilege of being invited to sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at their rehearsal on Thursday evening, which will be a Wow! thing to do. Amongst the other things planned are three sessions speaking to the students formally, including one period where I will be sharing the history of the 1904/1905 Great Welsh Revival.

All of this means that, after posting on this Blog tomorrow morning, I will probably not manage to post anything else for the next week. For those of you who look forward to getting a new hymn every day this means that there will be a break from this as well. I'll look forward to sharing things with you all dear readers upon my return towards the end of next week.

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