Saturday, March 5, 2011

Our Steadfast Lord

I look out from where I am currently staying and see the majestic mountain range that stretches out before me. I am reminded of the mountains of Wales, and a sense of hiraeth engulfs me for a moment, but that soon disappears as I am reminded that the majesty of the mountains is nothing when compared with the majesty of their Creator. This range of mountains seems so steadfast and resolute in its ability to protect those who live under its shadow, yet there is a fault line running through them capable of bringing destruction to those who feel protected. Once more I am reminded that nothing can be as steadfast as the love of our Creator God, nothing so resolute as the protection which He affords, and with Him there is no fault to be found.

Thinking on this I wrote the following. Upon my return home I will set it to music to add to my hymn collection. It will serve as a reminder of the time that I am spending here in Provo, Utah, and of the beauty of both the land and the people.

Our Steadfast Lord
My eyes look to the mountains
My heart sings to the Lord;
I look and see the splendour,
And feed upon His Word.
In all things He is steadfast,
In all things He is true;
His Word goes on for ever,
And lives in me and You.

Sing praises every morning,
And live for Him each day;
Walk safe with Jesus always,
And tread the narrow way.
He never will forsake you,
Nor leave you lost, alone,
Firm in His palm He'll hold you,
Until He calls you home. 
Copyright 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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