Thursday, March 24, 2011

Poem for Today : 'The Empty Tomb'

The Empty Tomb
They came that morning at early dawn,
to the tomb wherein He was laid;
bringing their spices and rare perfume,
to that garden where history was made.

The stone was rolled from the tomb,
two angels in white stood nearby;
the terrified women bowed their heads,
and began to weep and to cry.

The angels questioned in gentle voice,
‘Why seek the living amongst the dead?
Have you forgotten the promise He made?
Turn your eyes to heaven instead.’

‘Remember the things that He spoke of.
He’s not here for He has risen.
The deepest grave could not hold Him fast,
nor cave ever be His prison.’

‘Delivered to hands of sinful men,
to be stretched on that awful tree;
His body was wracked with searing pain,
darkness fell until the hour of three.’

As they listened to the two angels,
the women remembered His words,
and hurried to share with the others,
the wonderful news of their Lord.

The apostles would not believe them,
would not heed the words that they said;
so the women gently spoke again,
‘He has risen and is not dead.’
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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