Monday, March 14, 2011

Presbyterian Churches we visited in Utah (1)

On Sunday 6th March, we attended the 11 am service at The First Presbyterian Church, Salt Lake City. This church had a couple of things in particular in common with St John's in Runcorn, the church where I ministered from 1998 until September 2010, and that was that it is built from the local red sandstone. The new sanctuary at St John's was opened in May 1905 whilst the First Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City was opened in May 1906. 
We attended the Service along with Susan and Bob, our hosts, and a group of the students from the Welsh Class. 

The service was led by Pastor Mike Imperiale, and the theme of both the message and the service was taken from John's gospel, Chapter 6 and verse 35:
'I am the Bread of Life'

You can read about the origins and history of this church by visiting the website here.

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