Friday, March 18, 2011

A real 'Blast from the Past!'

 Here's a real 'Blast from the Past'! When I was looking through an old folder I came across this photo of The Ray Stevens Combo and the flyer for a Rock evening at The Forum Cinema in Bath, dating back I guess to sometime about 1961. 
I wonder if any of you readers might remember anything about them. Well, I can tell you that the singers with the group were Johnny Cannon and Mike Long, and that might give a clue to anyone from the Bath area, or even to some readers of this Blog.
If you don't know or haven't guessed, The Ray Stevens Combo became Johnny, Mike and The Shades, and they were a really great group during the 1960's. I had the pleasure and privilege of being their compere for about three years, and have some great memories of rushing to gigs after work and getting home n the early hours of the morning afterwards. Ah! The sweetness of youth!
Just look at the admission prices and compare them with the cost of admission to today's concerts!

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