Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Andrew Strom's book 'TRUE & FALSE REVIVAL' available here.

I have a limited quantity of Andrew Strom's book, True & False Revival, where you can read the TRUTH about the Lakeland 'Revival', and which Voice Publications have printed. 

What are the FACTS about Todd Bentley's Lakeland revival?
  • What is really behind the strong emphasis on getting 'drunk' and strange angel encounters, etc? What is happening around the world as this 'anointing' hits other places?
  • Why does the New Age "Kundalini" experience seem almost identical to this 'impartation'?
  • What is True Revival, and how do we tell the false from the true?
  • All these questions and more are answered in this provocative book.
The author, Andrew Strom, spent 11 years in the same Prophetic movement as Todd Bentley - until he quit in anguish over the unbiblical and bizarre things going on in that movement. Thus he brings a real "Insider's" perspective to this subject.

We are making it available for *ANY* donation to cover the costs of printing and posting. We do not want anyone missing out just through lack of finances. If you are able to send a 'donation' that is great. But otherwise just enough to cover post and packing costs. The best thing to do is simply pray and send whatever God leads you to send.

1. Please email your postal details to us so that we can reserve a copy of the book for you.
    We will then confirm that a copy has been reserved. 

    Voice Publications, 33 Balfour Street, Runcorn, WA7 4PH, UK.

3. Alternatively, you can use PAYPAL to donate to us securely online. Simply use this link to the following web page to do that. You'll find the 'Donate' button on the bottom panel on the page.

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