Tuesday, April 26, 2011

'At the Well' : New Gospel hymn for today

At the Well 7887
I went to drink at the well,
To drink from the water of life,
To wash in its cleansing power,
And be freed from sin and strife
To wash in its cleansing power,
And be freed from sin and strife.
In joy I went on my way,
Uncertain of what I would find,
Yet knowing that Jesus was there,
To bless the lame and blind.
Yet knowing that Jesus was there,
To bless the lame and blind.
There my Saviour was waiting,
With arms open wide to receive
Another repentant sinner,
To bless with new birth and life.
Another repentant sinner,
To bless with new birth and life.
I found the path to heaven
When I went to the well that day;
Now healed, restored and forgiven,
With Christ in my heart to stay.
Now healed, restored and forgiven,
With Christ in my heart to stay.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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