Sunday, April 10, 2011

A beautiful place to be today . . .

      Yesterday we had a beautiful sunny day which was more like summer than spring, and that has set thoughts in motion of exotic beaches with fine, silver sand, palm trees and the sound of the waves rippling on the shoreline. So today I invite you to find a spot on the beautiful beach above and spend a few hours meditating on the important things in your life. My thoughts will be of the coming Easter Festival and all that it means to me. On Good Friday I shall be deliberating on the sacrificial Lamb who died in my place, and who now sits on the Throne in heaven.
      Of course His sacrifice was for you as well, dear reader, no matter who you are, what religion or faith you follow, or even if you are a non-believer. Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary to pay for the sins of all mankind. It was a one-time sacrifice --- a one-time payment. Just imagine --- He thought that YOU and I were actually worth dying for!
      On Easter Day I will celebrate the fact that he rose from the dead, and that His promise to come back for us is the great hope that we have which exceeds all other things.

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