Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Evan Roberts and Moriah Chapel, Loughor

 Moriah Chapel, Loughor. The Schoolroom where Evan Roberts prayed and addressed the young people, and where the Holy Spirit descended on the meeting, is to the left of the photograph.
The interior of the Schoolroom today.
The raised floor with the pulpit in a central position. When Evan Roberts preached in on that evening of Sunday, the 30th October 1904 the pulpit was to the left of its current position. It was here that the young 26-year old Roberts cried out to God, "Bend me, Lord, bend me!" The result of that prayer was that God did indeed bend Roberts to His divine will, and the Great Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 was born.  
On Monday evening 31st October 1904, Evan Roberts, full of the Holy Spirit, commenced a series of prayer meetings at which he made urgent appeals for people to repent of their sinful state and confess Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. The Great Welsh Revival was under way, and before it closed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people would have been affected, not only in Wales but across the world.
 Hannah & Henry Roberts, Evan's parents.
 Out with the fiery Welsh politician, David Lloyd-George, later Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 
In front of Moriah Chapel stands a memorial to Evan Roberts which was unveiled in 1953. A man of great humility, he gave his life over to the Lord for God to use. There are many people today who are descended from folk who responded to the call of the Holy Spirit to 'repent and be saved', and who owe a debt of gratitude for the faithful preaching of this man of God.

Evan Roberts grave is at the rear of the chapel in the small churchyard.
Inside Moriah chapel as it is today, looking down from the balcony.
 The interior of the Moriah chapel looking from the pulpit.
  The 'Big Seat' (Y Sêt Fawr) where the Elders of the Chapel sit during services.
Today, visitors come on a pilgrimage to Moriah Chapel from across the world to soak up the atmosphere of the place where God called His servant and that servant, Evan Roberts, answered the call.