Tuesday, April 19, 2011

'Glory and Honour' : New Hymn for Today

Glory and Honour    10 10 10 10
Glory, honour, praise to the King!
Glory, honour, my worship I bring;
I kneel at His feet, seek His mercy now,
Glory and honour, to Jesus I bow.
      He is Lord, He is King,
      He is brother and friend,
      I will serve Him forever in love.
Glory, honour, praise to the King!
Glory, honour, my worship I bring;
I tell of salvation, at Calv’ry won,
By our Redeemer, Christ Jesus the Son.
He is Lord, He is King,
He is brother and friend,
I’ll serve Him forever in love.
Glory, honour, praise to the King!
Glory, honour, my worship I bring;
I’ll tell out His story, and seek His ways,
Serve Him forever in love and in praise.
He is Lord, He is King,
He is brother and friend,
I’ll serve Him forever in love.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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