Saturday, April 30, 2011

'In the Beginning' : New Hymn for Today

In the Beginning    CM
TUNE: Abergele
In the beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God;
In the beginning He was there,
And this Word is our Lord.
Through Him has everything been made,
In Him is life and light;
He brings us to the bright new day,
And banishes the night.
The Word became the living flesh,
And dwelt upon the earth:
He came to rescue us from sin,
And grant us second birth.
He is the One and Only Lord,
Whose glory we can praise;
He is the Christ, God’s only Son,
He’s life and truth and grace.
Through Him one day we’ll see our God,
When we the Son proclaim;
Then we will worship evermore,
God’s everlasting flame.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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