Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Hear the Sound'

Hear the Sound  LM
TUNE: Angelic Choir
Hear the sound of angels singing,
In the heavenly choir above.
Hear the news that they are bringing,
Of Christ’s birth and of God’s love.
They are telling of the Saviour
Who has come to earth from heaven;
Of His birth in lowly stable,
And of His sacrificial love.
They proclaim the joy of Jesus,
And of the manger where He lay;
God’s own Son is man’s salvation,
Go, see Him lying in the hay.
Worship Him and give Him glory,
Bring gifts and praises to His feet;
Alleluia! tell the story,
Of Christ who makes your life complete!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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