Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Passing Years : 'Theol Coll' photo, 1996-1997

The Passing Years
In ordered rows we stood back then,
with smiles upon our faces;
soon to part our separate ways,
each called to different places.
Eager, keen to answer to the Call,
we'd studied, laughed and lived,
together for a while;
so soon to part, our final act
together was to smile.
Now we show the passing years
with greying hair, if hair at all;
but looking back down memory lane,
we really had a ball.
Friendships forged, though many lost,
yet some have stood Time's test,
and we have loosely kept in touch,
more closely than the rest.
For some the passing years
have kindly dealt their hand;
whilst others, disillusioned now,
still fail to understand
the cruel ways of men and world,
and the flippancy of fate.
But what of me, I hear you ask,
Well now I am 'retired',
though still pursuing heav'ns task.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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