Thursday, April 14, 2011

Poem for Today : 'Blood-red on Green'

 Blood-red On Green
 High on the hill see the cross,
flanked by thieves on either side:
sobbing flesh and crying souls,
out of the dark my Lord’s voice cried:
“Father, forgive them,
they know not what they do”
from He who gave His life for you.
darkness deepens to the end,
yet still I see no tears,
only tears of blood and sweat
that, throughout the coming years,
we all may look and not forget.
Please say that it was not in vain
that God should give His Son,
to cleanse our guilt, to heal our pain.
Please let it be, lest I forget,
that on my knees, in looking down
in all humility, may I look up
and say,
“My God, will you forgive me  still?”
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

First published in In Praise of Him 
Voice Publications 2006
ISBN 978-0-955-358302 

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