Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Poem for Today : 'The Empty Cross'

The Empty Cross
I see the empty cross,
and in my mind
I see
the bloodstains 
where they nailed You there
to die;
to die the cruellest death
of all,
in agony and pain.
The perfect sacrifice
who hung and suffered there for me
to pay the highest price
for mankind's sin.

I see the empty cross,
and in my heart
I know
that when You died
that day,
and when You cried
that day,
"It is finished!"
it was not the end
but the beginning;
and in that beginning 
I have found my purpose.

I see the empty cross,
and in my mind
I see
the empty tomb
where once You lay.
But by the grace of God
He lifted You,
and you were raised
on that first Easter Day
from the grave;
a conqueror.
Now we praise and sing
to worship You as King!
 © 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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