Friday, April 1, 2011

Pastors Wayne Sapp and Terry Jones carry out their threat to burn the Qur'an

      News has been leaked that pastors Terry Jones and Wayne Sapp oversaw the burning of the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, on March 20th in Florida, finally carrying out the irresponsible action which Jones threatened for last September. The result has unsurprisingly been to inflame the Muslim world, and retaliation was taken today in Afghanistan against the United Nations compound there, resulting in the killing of an estimated 20 employees and wounding many more.
      Where is the sense in this idiotic action? Apart from gaining notoriety for himself, what have Jones and Sapp done that might be considered in any sort of positive light? The answer is simple: not one thing! I believe that every action performed by Christians should reflect their Christian faith, and should be judged in relation to the benefit that it brings to God's eternal kingdom. One thing is for certain in my mind, and that is that this action is not the action of a committed Christian, even though it is probably true to say that it is the action of men who deserves to be committed.
      As a committed Christian myself I place myself on record as totally condemning this action without reservation. I believe that Jones and Sapp should now face the Courts for their actions which have served only to ignite the powder keg of opinion. It is undoubtedly they that should shoulder the responsibility for the effect of their actions.

1 comment:

  1. If there is indeed a devil, then it is clear that he operates through Terry Jones, a man who has turned the compassion of Jesus Christ into a poisoned message to the world.
