Friday, April 8, 2011

Wayne Rooney and a victory for Common Sense!

      Despite his acclaimed footballing prowess, Manchester United player, Wayne Rooney, continues to make the news for all of the wrong reasons. Like most sports people, footballers in particular, Rooney has the adulation of thousands of youngsters, and this carries a great sense of responsibility towards them. However, his track record is abysmal, and the latest foul-mouthed outburst is no exception. I guess that when players are overpaid to the extent that Rooney and so many other footballers are it creates a feeling for them that they are invincible, answerable to no one and can do whatever they choose.
      I wonder whether, in years to come, he will proudly show off the photos that have been in the Press over the last few days, showing his foul-mouthed tirade at the TV cameras which he claims was letting off steam because he was successful. His features are contorted to demonstrate the rage of a Neanderthal oaf.
      Many people will consider that a two-match ban is insufficient. Rooney himself cannot see that he has done anything so wrong, certainly nothing that a few grovelling words of apology, almost certainly prepared by an MU Official, would make amends for.
      At least Coca-Cola have the common sense to realise that this man is a poor role model for anyone, let alone the millions who drink their products. In their decision to remove him altogether from their advertising campaigns and distance themselves as far as possible from Rooney, they have scored a victory for Common Sense.

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