Monday, May 9, 2011

'Astonished and Astounded' : New Hymn for Today

Astonished and Astounded   8787 D
 TUNE: Here is Love
Jesus died for our forgiveness,
As it tells us in God’s Word;
Now I worship Him as Saviour,
And acknowledge Him as Lord.
      I’m astonished and astounded,
      At the thing He’s done for me:
      I am dazzled and dumbfounded;
That He died to set us free.
Jesus Christ, the great Redeemer,
Came to earth the lost to save;
For us death has been defeated,
And we need not fear the grave.
I’m astonished and astounded,
At the thing He’s done for me;
I am dazzled and dumbfounded;
That He died to set us free.
He’s our Lord, and He’s our Master,
He’s our brother and our friend;
He was there at life’s beginning,
And He’ll be there at its end.
I’m astonished and astounded,
At the thing He’s done for me;
I am dazzled and dumbfounded;
That He died to set us free.
 © 2011 :  Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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