Wednesday, May 11, 2011

'Crown You, Saviour!' : New Hymn for Today

Crown You, Saviour! 7676D + Refrain
TUNE: Evening Light
We worship and adore You,
And all our praises bring;
Proclaiming You our Saviour,
We crown You as our King.
Lord, You have shown us heaven,
Reflected in Your face;
And now we claim Your promise
To live there by Your grace.
Crown You, Saviour! Bowing low before You;
Crown You, Saviour! Joyful angels praise You,
Crown You, Saviour! Royal anthems hymn You;
Praise You! Saviour! All praise to our King!
All glory, laud and honour,
Your holy name we raise;
Our lives we lay before You
In everlasting praise.
Lord, You are never-changing,
Your promises are true;
Through You we find redemption,
We praise and worship You.
Crown You, Saviour! Bowing low before You;
Crown You, Saviour! Joyful angels praise You,
Crown You, Saviour! Royal anthems hymn You;
Praise You! Saviour! All praise to our King!
One day we’ll stand before You,
When brought home by Your grace;
We’ll sing with choirs of angels
Our songs of love and praise.
Our Saviour and Redeemer,
Our hands to heaven raise;
As we wait for the moment
To praise You face to face;
Crown You, Saviour! Bowing low before You;
Crown You, Saviour! Joyful angels praise You,
Crown You, Saviour! Royal anthems hymn You;
Praise You! Saviour! All praise to our King!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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