Monday, May 9, 2011

“Have you looked at the evidence in the case???!!!” – Rep. Gohmert to Eric Holder

“Have you looked at the evidence in the case?”
– Rep. Gohmert to Eric Holder

Watch this explosive video of Rep. Louie Gohmert
questioning Attorney General Eric Holder during
a House Justice Department oversight meeting last week.

Rep. Gohmert takes the Attorney General to task
regarding Holder’s failure to pursue further indictments
against organizations like ISNA and CAIR in the Holy
Land Foundation terror finance trial of 2008.

Watch the short video here now

Rep. Gohmert is a former chief justice of the
th Court of Appeals in Texas and a rising star
within the overall movement that is resisting the
rise of radical Islam. He is one of the Members
of Congress we have invited to speak at the
legislative briefing portion of our national conference.

His boldness and clarity in confronting the spread
of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in America
is a refreshing change among the elected ranks in Washington and is why
we at ACT! for America have invited him to speak at our legislative briefing.

Register or find out more about our national conference here

The ACT! for America national conference and legislative briefing takes
place June 22-24 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

After viewing the video of the exchange between Rep. Gohmert and
Attorney General Holder,
please take our poll: Should Eric Holder be fired?

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