Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Hayley Oliver Band sing 'Tell Me Why'

Yesterday I mentioned that my friend Hayley Oliver had sent me 2 CDs as a gift, and I posted details of the first of them, Something to Remember, which features Hayley Oliver, Rob Smith and Richard Anderson. Today I'm playing the second CD, The Hayley Oliver Band, Naturally', which features Hayley singing some good old Country favourites along with her Band. The band is made up of Lee Ellis on Lead Guitar & additional Vocals; Nigel Nesbitt - Bass Guitar/Vocals; Wayne Lee - Keyboard/Vocals; Scott Gladman on Rhythm Guitars and Julian McLaren on Drums, and what a fabulous sound they make together!

It's difficult for me to pick out a favourite from amongst the 14 tracks on this CD because they are all great, but I particularly enjoyed the opening track, 98.6 Degrees and Falling, Sweet Dreams and I'm a Little Bluer Than That. The truth is that they are all great tracks!

This would be a great CD to add  to your own collection. You can buy it on iTunes by clicking here.  Have a look and listen with this Youtube video. 

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