Monday, May 2, 2011

'In Christ Alone' : New Hymn for Today

In Christ Alone 8787 D
TUNE: Hyfrydol
Jesus is our Lord and Master,
Worship Him as Christ the King;
Give Him praise and give Him glory,
To His feet your tributes bring.
True hope lies in Christ our Saviour,
Who for our sins did atone;
In this world of sin and turmoil,
We can trust in Christ alone.
See the pow’r of heaven’s glory,
Jesus is the Lord of Light;
Shining out into the darkness,
Like a beacon in the night.
He will light the pathway for us,
Leading to our heav’nly home;
In this world of sin and turmoil,
We can trust in Christ alone.
Only Jesus Christ is worthy,
At His name all knees will bow;
Raise your hands in praise and worship,
Claim Him as your Saviour now.
We will meet Him when He calls us,
Seated on th’eternal throne;
In this world of sin and turmoil,
We can trust in Christ alone.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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