Monday, May 23, 2011

'Living Lord' : New Hymn for Today

Living Lord    10 10 66 64
Tune: Bethany (Mason)
Linked by the love of Christ, God, you and me.
Saved by the grace of God, from sin set free;
We reach for heaven’s gates,
New life eternal waits;
Christ is the Living Lord,
Our hope and plea.
We stand in awe of Christ, Saviour and Lord,
He is the Bread of Life, the Living Word;
For sin He did atone,
We turn to Him alone,
Christ is the Living Lord,
The Lamb of God.
Christ’s great redemptive pow’r, His shepherd call,
He’ll take you for His own, what e're befall;
He will be ever true,
He’ll love and nurture you;
Christ is the Living Lord,
He’s Lord of all.
Love, grace, and faith in Christ, He’s ours to own,
We’ll praise and worship Him, kneel at His throne;
Though man may count as loss,
His death upon the cross,
Christ is the Living Lord,
Saviour and King!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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