Wednesday, May 4, 2011

'Lord of All' : New Hymn for Today

Lord of All   LM
TUNE:  Church Triumphant
Lord of all time, Lord of all space,
Lord of all mercy and of grace;
O Lord most High, we praise Your name,
And in our hearts we You acclaim.
You are the great Creator Lord,
The Saviour promised in the Word;
You came to earth, God’s love to bring,
We worship You as Lord and King!
You suffered there at Calvary,
When hanging there upon that tree;
And though at first it seemed but loss,
You won the vict’ry through the Cross.
Now death is vanquished, and the grave,
For by God’s love You came to save;
Now we, as one, triumphant cry,
For us to live we first must die!
We call upon Your name today,
Repentant hearts confess and pray;
O Lord most High, Your praise we sing,
And glorify the heav’nly King!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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