Friday, May 27, 2011

The Magic of the Sunset

When I lived in Africa one of the special moments of the day was sitting on the stoop, cold drink in my hand, watching the sun setting in the most spectacular display of oranges, reds, yellows and golds. Once experienced, it's a sight that you will never forget, and it has certainly remained firmly imprinted on my memory over the years since I left the Continent.
 I have always thought of the time as being the 'Magic Hour'. Today I thought that I' like to share a few pictures of the day's closing, in all of its glory, with you dear reader. I hope they inspire you.
The sun slowly drops below the horizon, reflecting molten gold upon the waters of the ocean.
The last embers of the dying day make way for the magic of the night. Imagine that you are one of the folk on the foreground. If you were, then you would never forget this moment.
Day finally rests, and the stillness of the water allows the beauty of this scene to be experienced in duplicate.

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