Tuesday, May 3, 2011

'Son of Man' : New Hymn for Today

Son of Man   LM
TUNE: Abends
Lord, what is man, that You should care,
That You are mindful of his place;
The Son of Man, that You have giv’n
The light of glory and of grace.
You made Him for a little while,
Below angelic, heav’nly host;
Then raised Him up to be with You,
When ev’rything to man seemed lost.
To Son of Man, dominion giv’n,
He’s crowned with glory, full of grace;
He is the everlasting Word,
The Lord of Light o’er time and space.
Now we are here on earth to serve,
Not questioning the lowest task;
Until the time when we are called
To do His will and all He asks.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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